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ლედი ჯენ / C. V. (Cecilia Viets) Jamison
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 103026 813 JAM Book Georgian Language Library Literature Not for loan Abraxas. Roman / Jacques Audiberti
Title : Abraxas. Roman Material Type: printed text Authors: Jacques Audiberti (1899-1965), Author Edition statement: Septième Edition Publisher: Paris [France] : Gallimard Publication Date: 1938 Languages : French Descriptors: [UNESCO_V2] 3 Culture:3.40 Literature:Literature
[UNESCO_V2] 3 Culture:3.40 Literature:National literatures:European literatureKeywords: French literature, Fiction, Novel Class number: 843.9 French fiction works (1900-1945) Abraxas. Roman [printed text] / Jacques Audiberti (1899-1965), Author . - Septième Edition . - Paris (43, rue de Beaune, France) : Gallimard, 1938.
Languages : French
Descriptors: [UNESCO_V2] 3 Culture:3.40 Literature:Literature
[UNESCO_V2] 3 Culture:3.40 Literature:National literatures:European literatureKeywords: French literature, Fiction, Novel Class number: 843.9 French fiction works (1900-1945) Copies
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 103534 843.9 AUD Book GCF Historical Library Literature Not for loan The after-dinner series. Short stories. Fifth series / Guy de Maupassant
Collection Title: The after-dinner series Title : Short stories. Fifth series : Translated from the French by R. Whitling, M.A., Oxon. Material Type: printed text Authors: Guy de Maupassant (1850-1893), Author Publisher: London [United Kingdom] : Matheson and Co Languages : English Original Language : French Descriptors: [UNESCO_V2] 3 Culture:3.40 Literature:Literary forms and genres:Prose:Novels
[UNESCO_V2] 3 Culture:3.40 Literature:Literature
[UNESCO_V2] 3 Culture:3.40 Literature:National literatures:European literatureKeywords: Literature, French fiction, French literature, Short stories, Collection Class number: 840.8 Anthologies, recueils The after-dinner series. Short stories. Fifth series : Translated from the French by R. Whitling, M.A., Oxon. [printed text] / Guy de Maupassant (1850-1893), Author . - London (230, Strand, W.C., United Kingdom) : Matheson and Co, [s.d.].
Languages : English Original Language : French
Descriptors: [UNESCO_V2] 3 Culture:3.40 Literature:Literary forms and genres:Prose:Novels
[UNESCO_V2] 3 Culture:3.40 Literature:Literature
[UNESCO_V2] 3 Culture:3.40 Literature:National literatures:European literatureKeywords: Literature, French fiction, French literature, Short stories, Collection Class number: 840.8 Anthologies, recueils Copies
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 103410 840.8 MAU Book GCF Historical Library Literature Not for loan Au bout du rouleau / Georges Simenon
Title : Au bout du rouleau Material Type: printed text Authors: Georges Simenon (1903-1989) Publisher: Paris [France] : Presses de la Cité Publication Date: 1951 Languages : French Descriptors: [UNESCO_V2] 3 Culture:3.40 Literature:Literary forms and genres:Fiction
[UNESCO_V2] 3 Culture:3.40 Literature:Literature
[UNESCO_V2] 3 Culture:3.40 Literature:National literatures:European literatureKeywords: French literature, Novel, French fiction Class number: 843.9 French fiction works (1900-1945) Au bout du rouleau [printed text] / Georges Simenon (1903-1989) . - Paris (116, Rue du Bac, France) : Presses de la Cité, 1951.
Languages : French
Descriptors: [UNESCO_V2] 3 Culture:3.40 Literature:Literary forms and genres:Fiction
[UNESCO_V2] 3 Culture:3.40 Literature:Literature
[UNESCO_V2] 3 Culture:3.40 Literature:National literatures:European literatureKeywords: French literature, Novel, French fiction Class number: 843.9 French fiction works (1900-1945) Copies
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 103416 843.9 SIM Book GCF Historical Library Literature Not for loan Cartes sur table (Cards on the table) / Agatha Christie
Title : Cartes sur table (Cards on the table) : Traduit de l'anglais par Louis Postif Material Type: printed text Authors: Agatha Christie (1890-1976), Author Publisher: Paris [France] : Librairie des Champs - Elysees Publication Date: 1939 Languages : French Original Language : English Descriptors: [UNESCO_V2] 3 Culture:3.40 Literature:Literary forms and genres:Fiction
[UNESCO_V2] 3 Culture:3.40 Literature:Literary forms and genres:Prose:Novels
[UNESCO_V2] 3 Culture:3.40 Literature:Literature
[UNESCO_V2] 3 Culture:3.40 Literature:National literatures:European literatureKeywords: Detective and mystery stories, Private investigators, Hercule Poirot (Fictitious character), England, Belgium Class number: 823 Fiction anglaise Cartes sur table (Cards on the table) : Traduit de l'anglais par Louis Postif [printed text] / Agatha Christie (1890-1976), Author . - Paris (France) : Librairie des Champs - Elysees, 1939.
Languages : French Original Language : English
Descriptors: [UNESCO_V2] 3 Culture:3.40 Literature:Literary forms and genres:Fiction
[UNESCO_V2] 3 Culture:3.40 Literature:Literary forms and genres:Prose:Novels
[UNESCO_V2] 3 Culture:3.40 Literature:Literature
[UNESCO_V2] 3 Culture:3.40 Literature:National literatures:European literatureKeywords: Detective and mystery stories, Private investigators, Hercule Poirot (Fictitious character), England, Belgium Class number: 823 Fiction anglaise Copies
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 103527 823 CHR Book GCF Historical Library Literature Not for loan I cavalieri della croce / Henryk Sienkiewicz
PermalinkCollection of British and American authors: Tauchnitz Edition, 4425. The open window by E. Temple Thurston in one volume / Ernest Temple Thurston
PermalinkCollection of British Authors: Tauchnitz Edition, 2035. His little mother and other tales and sketches / Dinah Maria Mulock Craik
PermalinkCollection of British Authors: Tauchnitz Edition, 410. Mabel Vaughan / Maria S. (Maria Susanna) Cummins
PermalinkCollection of British Authors: Tauchnitz Edition, 4411. Come rack! Come rope! In two volumes. Vol I / Robert Hugh Benson
PermalinkCollection of British Authors: Tauchnitz Edition, 4412. Come rack! Come rope! In two volumes. Vol II / Robert Hugh Benson
PermalinkCollection Mignon-Roman, 5. Filleules de roi / Gaspard de Weede
PermalinkCollection Nelson. Lettres de mon moulin / Alphonse Daudet
PermalinkPermalinkComment s'en vont les reines / Colette Yver
PermalinkCrainquebille, Putois, Riquet et plusieurs autres récits profitables / Anatole France
PermalinkEstelle et Mikou / Auguste Bailly
PermalinkHistoire comique / Anatole France
PermalinkHistoire contemporaine, 1. L’orme du mail / Anatole France
PermalinkHistoire contemporaine, 2. Le mannequin d'osier / Anatole France
PermalinkHistoire contemporaine, 3. L'anneau d'améthyste / Anatole France
PermalinkHistoire contemporaine, 4. Monsieur Bergeret à Paris / Anatole France
PermalinkHistoire Contemporaine. Mannequin d'osier / Anatole France
PermalinkHomicide par imprudence. Roman / Pierre Bost
PermalinkJocaste et Le chat maigre / Anatole France