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ლედი ჯენ / C. V. (Cecilia Viets) Jamison
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 103026 813 JAM Book Georgian Language Library Literature Not for loan სრული თხზულებáƒáƒœáƒ˜ ეგ. ნინáƒáƒ¨áƒ•áƒ˜áƒšáƒ˜áƒ¡áƒ / Egnate Ninoshvili
Title : სრული თხზულებáƒáƒœáƒ˜ ეგ. ნინáƒáƒ¨áƒ•áƒ˜áƒšáƒ˜áƒ¡áƒ Material Type: printed text Authors: Egnate Ninoshvili (1859-1894), Author ; Ivane Gomarteli (1859-1894), Reviewer Publisher: თბილისი [Georgia] : გრ. ნ. დიáƒáƒ¡áƒáƒ›áƒ˜áƒ«áƒ˜áƒ¡ სტ Publication Date: 1904 Languages : Georgian Descriptors: [UNESCO_V2] 3 Culture:3.40 Literature:Literary forms and genres:Fiction
[UNESCO_V2] 3 Culture:3.40 Literature:National literatures
[UNESCO_V2] 7 Countries and country groupings:7.25 Political groupings:CIS countries:GeorgiaKeywords: Georgia (republic), Georgian literature, Novel, Biography Class number: 899.969 Georgian literature (Caucasian literatures) სრული თხზულებáƒáƒœáƒ˜ ეგ. ნინáƒáƒ¨áƒ•áƒ˜áƒšáƒ˜áƒ¡áƒ [printed text] / Egnate Ninoshvili (1859-1894), Author ; Ivane Gomarteli (1859-1894), Reviewer . - თბილისი (Georgia) : გრ. ნ. დიáƒáƒ¡áƒáƒ›áƒ˜áƒ«áƒ˜áƒ¡ სტ, 1904.
Languages : Georgian
Descriptors: [UNESCO_V2] 3 Culture:3.40 Literature:Literary forms and genres:Fiction
[UNESCO_V2] 3 Culture:3.40 Literature:National literatures
[UNESCO_V2] 7 Countries and country groupings:7.25 Political groupings:CIS countries:GeorgiaKeywords: Georgia (republic), Georgian literature, Novel, Biography Class number: 899.969 Georgian literature (Caucasian literatures) Copies
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 100716 899.969 NIN Book Georgian Language Library Georgian literature Not for loan მáƒáƒ›áƒáƒ—რქვეყáƒáƒœáƒ / Sergey Gusev-Orenburgsky
Title : მáƒáƒ›áƒáƒ—რქვეყáƒáƒœáƒ Original title : The land of the fathers Material Type: printed text Authors: Sergey Gusev-Orenburgsky (1867-1963), Author ; შირდáƒáƒ• - სáƒ, Translator Publisher: ტფილისი - Tbilisi [Georgia] : ივერიის ბიბლიáƒáƒ—ეკრPublication Date: 1905 Languages : Georgian Original Language : Russian Descriptors: [UNESCO_V2] 3 Culture:3.40 Literature:Literary forms and genres:Fiction
[UNESCO_V2] 3 Culture:3.40 Literature:National literatures:European literature:Slav literature
[UNESCO_V2] 7 Countries and country groupings:7.20 Europe:Eastern Europe:RussiaKeywords: Russia, Russian literature, Novel, Fiction Class number: 891.7 Slaves du groupe oriental. Russe მáƒáƒ›áƒáƒ—რქვეყáƒáƒœáƒ = The land of the fathers [printed text] / Sergey Gusev-Orenburgsky (1867-1963), Author ; შირდáƒáƒ• - სáƒ, Translator . - ტფილისი - Tbilisi (Georgia) : ივერიის ბიბლიáƒáƒ—ეკáƒ, 1905.
Languages : Georgian Original Language : Russian
Descriptors: [UNESCO_V2] 3 Culture:3.40 Literature:Literary forms and genres:Fiction
[UNESCO_V2] 3 Culture:3.40 Literature:National literatures:European literature:Slav literature
[UNESCO_V2] 7 Countries and country groupings:7.20 Europe:Eastern Europe:RussiaKeywords: Russia, Russian literature, Novel, Fiction Class number: 891.7 Slaves du groupe oriental. Russe Copies
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 103010 891.7 GUS Book Georgian Language Library Literature Not for loan áƒáƒ¦áƒ“გáƒáƒ›áƒ / Leo Tolstoy
Title : áƒáƒ¦áƒ“გáƒáƒ›áƒ Material Type: printed text Authors: Leo Tolstoy (1828-1910), Author ; პáƒáƒš კáƒáƒšáƒáƒœáƒ“áƒáƒ«áƒ”, Translator Publisher: ტფილისი - Tbilisi [Georgia] : სტáƒáƒ›áƒ‘რ„შრáƒáƒ›áƒâ€œ Publication Date: 1904 Languages : Georgian Original Language : Russian Descriptors: [UNESCO_V2] 3 Culture:3.40 Literature:Literary forms and genres:Fiction
[UNESCO_V2] 3 Culture:3.40 Literature:National literatures:European literature
[UNESCO_V2] 3 Culture:3.40 Literature:National literatures:European literature:Slav literature
[UNESCO_V2] 7 Countries and country groupings:7.20 Europe:Eastern Europe:RussiaKeywords: Russian literature, Russian fiction, Psychological fiction, Social conditions, Manners and customs, Trials (Poisoning) Class number: 891.73 Oeuvres de fiction russes áƒáƒ¦áƒ“გáƒáƒ›áƒ [printed text] / Leo Tolstoy (1828-1910), Author ; პáƒáƒš კáƒáƒšáƒáƒœáƒ“áƒáƒ«áƒ”, Translator . - ტფილისი - Tbilisi (Georgia) : სტáƒáƒ›áƒ‘რ„შრáƒáƒ›áƒâ€œ, 1904.
Languages : Georgian Original Language : Russian
Descriptors: [UNESCO_V2] 3 Culture:3.40 Literature:Literary forms and genres:Fiction
[UNESCO_V2] 3 Culture:3.40 Literature:National literatures:European literature
[UNESCO_V2] 3 Culture:3.40 Literature:National literatures:European literature:Slav literature
[UNESCO_V2] 7 Countries and country groupings:7.20 Europe:Eastern Europe:RussiaKeywords: Russian literature, Russian fiction, Psychological fiction, Social conditions, Manners and customs, Trials (Poisoning) Class number: 891.73 Oeuvres de fiction russes Copies
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 103018 891.73 TOL Book Georgian Language Library Georgian literature Not for loan მáƒáƒšáƒ˜áƒžáƒ£áƒš გზáƒáƒ–ე / Anastasia - áƒáƒœáƒáƒ¡áƒ¢áƒáƒ¡áƒ˜áƒ Eristavi - ერისთáƒáƒ•áƒ˜áƒ¡áƒ
Title : მáƒáƒšáƒ˜áƒžáƒ£áƒš გზáƒáƒ–ე Original title : On the Slippery Path Material Type: printed text Authors: Anastasia - áƒáƒœáƒáƒ¡áƒ¢áƒáƒ¡áƒ˜áƒ Eristavi - ერისთáƒáƒ•áƒ˜áƒ¡áƒ (1868-1951), Author Publisher: თბილისი [Georgia] : ქáƒáƒ თული áƒáƒ›áƒ®áƒáƒœáƒáƒ’áƒáƒ‘ისრPublication Date: 1897 Languages : Georgian Descriptors: [UNESCO_V2] 3 Culture:3.40 Literature:Literary forms and genres:Fiction
[UNESCO_V2] 3 Culture:3.40 Literature:Literary forms and genres:Prose
[UNESCO_V2] 3 Culture:3.40 Literature:National literatures
[UNESCO_V2] 7 Countries and country groupings:7.25 Political groupings:CIS countries:GeorgiaKeywords: Georgia (republic), Georgian literature, Novel Class number: 899.969 Georgian literature (Caucasian literatures) მáƒáƒšáƒ˜áƒžáƒ£áƒš გზáƒáƒ–ე = On the Slippery Path [printed text] / Anastasia - áƒáƒœáƒáƒ¡áƒ¢áƒáƒ¡áƒ˜áƒ Eristavi - ერისთáƒáƒ•áƒ˜áƒ¡áƒ (1868-1951), Author . - თბილისი (Georgia) : ქáƒáƒ თული áƒáƒ›áƒ®áƒáƒœáƒáƒ’áƒáƒ‘ისáƒ, 1897.
Languages : Georgian
Descriptors: [UNESCO_V2] 3 Culture:3.40 Literature:Literary forms and genres:Fiction
[UNESCO_V2] 3 Culture:3.40 Literature:Literary forms and genres:Prose
[UNESCO_V2] 3 Culture:3.40 Literature:National literatures
[UNESCO_V2] 7 Countries and country groupings:7.25 Political groupings:CIS countries:GeorgiaKeywords: Georgia (republic), Georgian literature, Novel Class number: 899.969 Georgian literature (Caucasian literatures) Copies
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 100724 899.969 ERI Book Georgian Language Library Georgian literature Not for loan 103016 899.969 ERI Book Georgian Language Library Georgian literature Not for loan Anna Karenin. A novel / Leo Tolstoy
PermalinkAnna Karénine. Tome I / Leo Tolstoy
PermalinkAnna Karénine. Tome II / Leo Tolstoy
PermalinkAu bout du rouleau / Georges Simenon
PermalinkBen-Hur. Illustrations de Le Coultre / Lew Wallace
PermalinkThe betrayal / E. Phillips Oppenheim
PermalinkBibliothèque des écoles et des familles. La case de l'oncle Tom / Harriet Beecher Stowe
PermalinkCartes sur table (Cards on the table) / Agatha Christie
PermalinkCollection of British and American authors: Tauchnitz Edition, 1433. Uncle John. A novel. Vol I / G. J. Whyte Melville
PermalinkCollection of British and American authors: Tauchnitz Edition, 1434. Uncle John. A novel. Vol II / G. J. Whyte Melville
PermalinkCollection of British and American authors: Tauchnitz Edition, 2529. Selections from American humour / Mark Twain
PermalinkCollection of British and American authors: Tauchnitz Edition, 2776. Idle thoughts of an idle fellow. A book for an idle holiday / Jerome K. Jerome
PermalinkCollection of British and American authors: Tauchnitz Edition, 3735. The woman with the fan. Vol II / Robert Hichens
PermalinkCollection of British and American authors: Tauchnitz Edition, 3805. The vicissitudes of Evangeline / Elinor Glyn
PermalinkCollection of British and American authors: Tauchnitz Edition, 4049. The picture of Dorian Gray / Oscar Wilde
PermalinkCollection of British and American authors: Tauchnitz Edition, 4093. The gorgeous isle / Gertrude Atherton
PermalinkCollection of British and American authors: Tauchnitz Edition, 4095. A house of pomegranates / Oscar Wilde
PermalinkCollection of British and American authors: Tauchnitz Edition, 4112. Lady Windermere's fan. A story about a good woman / Oscar Wilde
PermalinkCollection of British and American authors: Tauchnitz Edition, 4113. An ideal husband. A play / Oscar Wilde
PermalinkCollection of British and American authors: Tauchnitz Edition, 4133. Salome. A tragedy in one act / Oscar Wilde