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Handbook for travellers in Constantinople, Brûsa, and the Troad. With maps and plans / Charles William Wilson
Title : Handbook for travellers in Constantinople, Brûsa, and the Troad. With maps and plans : With index and directory for 1907 Material Type: printed text Authors: Charles William Wilson (1836-1905), Editor Publisher: London [United Kingdom] : John Murray Publication Date: 1900 Languages : English Descriptors: [UNESCO_V2] 5 Information and communication:5.30 Information sources:Books:Guides:Guidebooks
[UNESCO_V2] 7 Countries and country groupings:7.30 Economic groupings:OECD countries:TurkeyKeywords: Turkey, Travel guide, Istanbul, Troy (Extinct city) Class number: 914.961 Turkey in Europe (Geography / Travel) Handbook for travellers in Constantinople, Brûsa, and the Troad. With maps and plans : With index and directory for 1907 [printed text] / Charles William Wilson (1836-1905), Editor . - London (Albemarie Street, United Kingdom) : John Murray, 1900.
Languages : English
Descriptors: [UNESCO_V2] 5 Information and communication:5.30 Information sources:Books:Guides:Guidebooks
[UNESCO_V2] 7 Countries and country groupings:7.30 Economic groupings:OECD countries:TurkeyKeywords: Turkey, Travel guide, Istanbul, Troy (Extinct city) Class number: 914.961 Turkey in Europe (Geography / Travel) Copies
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 103164 914.961 WIL Book GCF Historical Library Others Not for loan